More inexpensive ebook goodies!

You can now get your hands on the digital edition of Sebastien de Castell's Knight's Shadow for only 1.99$ here.

Here's the blurb:

Falcio Val Mond, First Cantor, with the help of fellow Greatcoats Kest and Brasti, has completed his King’s final task: he has found his Charoites - well, one at least, and she was not quite what they expected.

Now they must protect the girl from the many who would see her dead, and place her on the throne of a lawless kingdom. That would be simple enough, if it weren’t for the Daishini, an equally legendary band of assassins, getting in their way, not to forget the Dukes who are determined to hold on to their fractured Kingdoms, or the fact that the heir to the throne is only thirteen years old.

Oh, and the poison that is slowly killing Falcio. That’s not even mentioning the Greatcoat’s Lament . . .

Perfect for fans of Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers, Joe Abercrombie and Mark Lawerence this epic fantasy series of sword fights, intrigue, heroes and traitors is the follow up to the most biggest debut fantasy novel of 2014.

The third installment in the series, Saint's Blood, is available for the same price here.

1 commentaires:

David Wagner said...

"The Once and Future King" by TH White is $1.99 today as well...